Who may participate

This study is seeking healthy adult (18 or older) male and female participants of non-childbearing potential; they will not have the condition being studied and are in overall good health. In addition to the criteria listed, participants must meet the following requirements:    


  • Willing and able to travel to our study facility in Brussels, Belgium 
  • Able to comply with study appointments and procedures 
  • Body mass index (BMI) of 16-32 kg/m2; and a total bodyweight >45 kg.    


There are other requirements for participation in this study. Please read attentively the Informed Consent Document (ICD), more explanation will be provided by the study staff during the screening process.  




18 + years


Male and Female

Long-term follow-up

A follow-up visit at the end of the study

How long is the study?

Approximately 3 months


€ 3 432.00

Each clinical study has its own guidelines for who can participate, called eligibility criteria. However, only the research study staff can determine if you qualify to enroll in the study.

What to expect

If this study may be a fit for you, you’ll be invited to a screening visit at our facility in Brussels, Belgium.  

If you choose to participate, you will stay at our facility for 8 overnights. You will be in the study for up to approximately 11 weeks, including the screening and follow-up periods. You will be screened within 28 days prior to the first dose of study intervention in Period 1.   

Participants will be admitted to the clinical research unit (CRU) on Day -1 and will be required to remain in the CRU for a minimum of 9 days until completion of Day 8 assessment in each period (2 periods). 


Throughout the study, staff will closely monitor your health status and collect data, such as the levels of the study drug in your blood and urine. 


You will not personally derive any benefit from your participation in this study, but the results obtained could be very important for the development of medicines and treatments which will benefit other people. 

Study Calendar