The Pfizer Clinical Research Unit of Brussels will be conducting clinical studies in the near future with participants of Chinese descent.

You are being invited to take part in a clinical study to evaluate an investigational medicinal product. An investigational medicinal product is one that is still being studied to evaluate its efficacy, safety, or mode of action.

You will not personally derive any benefit from your participation in this study, but the results could be very important for the development of medicines and treatments that may benefit patients.

Who may participate

Clinical trials are key to developing potential life-changing treatments for patients across the globe. But they can't happen without participants.

We are searching for healthy male or female participants, meaning that the participants will not have the condition being studied. In addition, the participants must meet the following requirements: 

  • You are of Chinese descent (4 biologically Chinese grandparents who were born in China)
  • You speak French, Dutch, or English fluently

Testimonials from clinical studies Chinese participants (CN) 来自临床研究中国参与者的体验




18 - 55 years


Male or Female

Each clinical study has its own guidelines for who can participate, called eligibility criteria. However, only the research study staff can determine if you qualify to enroll in the study.

Interested in participating?

Whether you are new to clinical research or already in our database, if you’d like to subscribe for this study, please use the PCRU Chatbot Charlie at the bottom right of the screen.


Interested in becoming our ambassador? 

The participants who are registered in the PCRU database can refer a friend or family member to screen for clinical trials on our site in Brussels. Read more information about our Ambassador Program here.