Learn how Pfizer is researching potential alternate approaches to hemophilia treatment.
As part of our longstanding commitment to the hemophilia community, Pfizer continues to develop potential treatments that we hope will help people living with this bleeding disorder. Our current research is focused on gene therapy as well as a study medicine that aims to reduce the burden associated with traditional factor replacement products.
We’re studying investigational gene therapies that are designed to help people with hemophilia A or B produce clotting factor. (Learn about gene therapy below.) In partnership with everyone who enrolls in our clinical trials, we are evaluating whether this helps prevent bleeding episodes or reduce how often replacement factor infusions are needed.
We’re also committed to exploring a once-weekly shot under the skin for people with severe hemophilia A or B. This study medicine is a non-factor hemophilia treatment option that works for people without or with inhibitors. It is designed to reduce how often the shots are required, compared with existing factor replacement.
If you or a loved one are considering taking part in a hemophilia clinical trial, find more information below.
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Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B
Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B
Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B
hemophilia a, hemophilia b
severe hemophilia a
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For more information about participation in a Pfizer clinical trial, please email or call the Pfizer Clinical Trial Contact Center at 1-800-887-7002.
About hemophilia
Hemophilia is a disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. This can lead to bleeding after injuries or surgery. It can also lead to spontaneous bleeding, meaning that the bleeding occurs without a clearly identified cause.
A person’s blood typically has clotting factors that help to stop bleeding. People with hemophilia have low levels of either factor VIII (8) or factor IX (9) which results in reduced blood clotting and causes the bleeding described above.
The current standard treatment for hemophilia is to replace the clotting factor through regular IV infusions. For some people, the frequency and IV administration of this therapy can make it a burden.
About 10–15% of people with hemophilia have inhibitors that prevent the standard clotting factor replacement from working effectively. People with inhibitors require special treatment when experiencing bleeding, which can be less effective and more expensive than standard treatment.
About gene therapy
The safety and efficacy of gene therapy is being studied in clinical trials.
We believe that gene therapy is a potentially transformative treatment approach that, if successful, may help reduce the burden of disease and of ongoing treatments for the people who are affected by rare diseases.