Helping patients, caregivers, and loved ones learn how to access and participate in clinical trials is made possible by working with many different organizations.
Explore information and resources created by or with community-based and support organizations. Through patient advocacy and condition-specific education and awareness, they know the importance of and share our commitment to diversity in clinical trials, health equity, reducing health disparities, and improving health outcomes for all people.
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CISCRP Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation
The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation’s (CISCRP) core mission is to provide accessible, useful and relevant, educational resources, programs, and services that increase awareness and understanding of the clinical research process. As part of their mission CISCRP hosts AWARE for All events, a free clinical research education program that includes free health screenings, information exhibits that feature community groups and research centers, and celebrates clinical research participants.
Pfizer is among many industry consortium partners supporting CISCRP's AWARE for All program and its mission to educate and empower the public in making informed decisions about clinical research participation.
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Día de la Mujer Latina
Día de la Mujer Latina is on a mission to promote healthy behaviors within underserved Latino communities. Día de la Mujer Latina’s Promotores and Community Health Worker Training Programs provide culturally and linguistically proficient education, facilitate wellness screenings, and deliver resource and information to communities across the US.
DML ' Community Health Worker Training Program is practice-based rather than theory-based. When CHWs graduate, they have marketable skills and are able to provide their community with blood pressure checks, diabetes tests, vision screening, and HIV tests – all part of the practicum. In addition, P/CHWs are trained to successfully apply their communication and interpersonal skills to listen effectively to their clientele, identify and attend to the social issues of their patient population, and practice their capacity-building skills to assess these needs and navigate them to the appropriate community resources.
How We Work Together : Día de la Mujer Latina’s Promotores and Community Health Worker Training Programs. In 2021, our partnership enabled training for more than 3,100 clinical trial community navigators.
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Patient Empowerment Network
Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) is nonprofit organization dedicated to providing cancer patients and care partners with the tools to educate and activate them to become co-decision makers with their healthcare teams.
Patient Empowerment Network’s efforts to improve health equity and reduce health disparities include community initiatives like the digital sherpa™ Train-the-Trainer and Digitally Empowered™ programs. These training programs aim to enhance digital literacy for cancer patients and their families and empower community-based organizations in their patient advocacy efforts. The digital sherpa™ program is a great fit for all communities as the program allows flexibility to meet your needs through various format options such as in-person, virtual, help desk, or on demand through Digitally Empowered™, which is a completely free 10-module course designed to help participants become more tech savvy.
How We Work Together: In addition to enhancing patient health literacy through Digitally Empowered™, Pfizer and PEN have collaborated on 10 educational prostate cancer shared decision-making videos known as the Shared Decision Making: Navigating Prostate Cancer Care Program
This program also includes clinical trials resources to walk patients and their families, step-by-step, through every stage of their cancer journey.
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SHARE | Support for Women’s Cancers
SHARE is a 47-year-old survivor-led organization that provides support, information, and resources nationwide to anyone affected by breast, metastatic breast, ovarian, uterine, and cervical cancer.
SHARE’s programs include two podcasts - Our BC Life, and Our MBC Life - that offer rich educational content from a diverse range of perspectives to those living with breast and metastatic breast cancer. Their outreach initiatives offer linguistically and culturally competent information about signs, symptoms, screening and treatment options. Both LatinaSHARE and SHARE’s Ambassador Program expressly serve women of color, with a focus on low-income women in all five boroughs of New York City.
How We Work Together: Pfizer and SHARE collaborated to create multicultural graphic novels and novellas about clinical trials told from diverse perspectives and in various languages. SHARE will also be a guest on Pfizer’s podcast to speak on the importance of having open and nuanced conversations about the complexities of metastatic breast cancer and why genetic testing is essential.
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Tigerlily foundation
The mission of the Tigerlily Foundation is to educate, advocate for, empower, and support young women, before, during and after breast cancer.
Tigerlily Foundation provide education programs that focus on all aspects of health, including prevention, wellness and holistic health, and provide programs for young women from 14-45 years old. Furthermore, this foundation is dedicated to a patient-focus approach tor raise awareness about issues facing women in the health community.
How We Work Together : Together, Pfizer and the ANGEL Advocates created the HEAL workshops with a goal to better understand the breast cancer journey for women of color and work toward fostering inclusivity in clinical trials.
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Touch, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance
Touch, The Black Breast Cancer Alliance drives the collaborative efforts of patients, survivors, advocates, advocacy organizations, health care professionals, researchers and pharmaceutical companies to work collectively, with accountability, towards the common goal of eradicating Black Breast Cancer.
'Black Breast Cancer' — the constellation of exposures, experiences, and lack of science for Black women diagnosed with breast cancer that causes Black women to face disproportionately worse breast cancer outcomes.
Pfizer and Touch: The Black Breast Cancer Alliance are collaborating to empower and educate women of color by debunking myths and correcting misinformation about the clinical trial process and, through a powerful video series, highlighting the importance of participation for future generations to advance breast cancer science.
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