The purpose of this study is to learn about the safety of TALZENNA in patients with BRCA mutation-positive metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. BRCA mutation positive means any changes to the BRCA gene. Metastasis means the cancer that has spread to other parts of the body. Castration-resistant prostate cancer means the prostate cancer that keeps growing even when the amount of male sex hormone in the body is reduced to very low levels. Prostate is a male sex organ. The study is seeking for participants:
Patients will be followed up to 52 weeks (12 months) from the day of start of treatment start (Day 1). However, in cases where treatment has been completed or stopped less than 52 weeks (12 months) after the start of giving study medicine, the participants will be checked until completion (discontinuation) of treatment.
Closest Location
NCT# stands for National Clinical Trial number. This is a unique identification code given to each clinical trial registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. The format is "NCT" followed by an 8-digit number (for example, NCT00000419). Also called the ClinicalTrials.gov identifier.
Each clinical study has its own guidelines for who may participate, called eligibility criteria. These factors can include your age, sex, overall health, type and stage of disease, and personal treatment history. However, only the research study staff can determine if you qualify to enroll in the study.
Prostate Cancer
0+ years