This study is a multi-center, non-interventional, disease registry to characterize the natural history of ATTR-CM and treatment patterns in clinically diagnosed ATTR-CM patients. Data will be collected in the course of routine clinical practice or following local standard practice guidelines. No procedures or treatments will be mandated by this study, patients will receive usual clinical care.
The patient population will include all adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of ATTR-CM after 01 June 2019 and who meet eligibility criteria. The index date of each patient will be the date of the first documented ATTR-CM diagnosis. The observation period for each patient will range from the index date to whichever occurs first of death, patient withdrawal of consent, loss to follow-up, or end of data collection. The end of data collection (ie, the end of study) is planned for 12 months after the end of the enrollment period.
As this study is descriptive in nature with no hypothesis testing, the study size will be based on the number of eligible ATTR-CM cases identified in the medical records and meeting the eligibility criteria. Approximately 350 patients diagnosed with ATTR-CM across approximately 17 sites in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Malaysia are planned to be enrolled.
Closest Location
NCT# stands for National Clinical Trial number. This is a unique identification code given to each clinical trial registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. The format is "NCT" followed by an 8-digit number (for example, NCT00000419). Also called the ClinicalTrials.gov identifier.
Each clinical study has its own guidelines for who may participate, called eligibility criteria. These factors can include your age, sex, overall health, type and stage of disease, and personal treatment history. However, only the research study staff can determine if you qualify to enroll in the study.
Transthyretin Amyloid Cardiopathy
Male or Female
18+ years