We appreciate your strength and commitment because, without people like you, life-changing breakthroughs would not be possible. Now, we want to offer some information as you begin your clinical trial.

Because all clinical trials are different, how best to prepare for yours will depend on your study. Below are some things to consider and suggestions to keep in mind.

The different people who help make clinical trials happen

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Pfizer Clinical Trial Alumni is a website for Pfizer clinical trial participants that helps you stay connected with your study and find information and resources related to your trial or condition, all by simply registering.

With this website, we hope to improve health information equity, increase transparency, and positively impact each participant's ability to make informed healthcare choices after the study has ended.

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Nurse and family in clinic | Pfizer clinical trials
Nurse and family in clinic | Pfizer clinical trials

Frequently asked questions

Who should I call if I have a question about my clinical trial?

The study coordinator or another member of the study team at the location where you’re participating is typically your main point of contact throughout the clinical trial. This member can answer many questions about the day-to-day details of the study. Depending on your question, he or she may refer you to other members of the study team, such as the principal investigator, at the location where you’re participating.

What should I do if I experience a side effect?

You should contact the study doctor as soon as the side effect happens. Follow any instructions that he or she provides. The study doctor may determine that you need additional procedures or medicines to help manage the side effects. Additional details of what you should do if you experience a side effect may be explained in the informed consent document for your study.

All side effects should be reported to the study doctor, even if you believe the side effect is mild or that it wasn’t caused by the study medicine. Contact information for the study doctor, including a 24-hour emergency contact number, can be found on study materials you received. These materials include the informed consent document and a medical emergency contact card.

What should I do in the case of a medical emergency?

Seek medical assistance immediately. All participants in Pfizer clinical trials are provided with a study information card. You should provide this card to the healthcare professionals caring for you. The healthcare professionals can call the Principal Investigator telephone number on the card to learn about your clinical trial and the study medicine you may be receiving. Further details of your trial are found in the informed consent document, including contact details of your Principal Investigator.

What type of support is available to me throughout the clinical trial?

The available support depends on your specific study and the location where you’re enrolled. The details are explained in the informed consent document. Examples of support that may be available include transportation to study visits or digital tools to help participants capture study-related activities. The study team is also available to answer any questions you may have.

What happens if I decide I don’t want to continue in the clinical trial?

You are always free to leave a clinical trial at any time and for any reason. If you decide to leave the study, please tell the study doctor so that you can end your participation in the safest way. The study doctor will explain how to return the study medicine and what other steps may occur.

Your decision to stop being in the study will not affect your regular medical care or any benefits to which you are entitled. The informed consent document for your study may provide more details on what happens if your participation in the study ends.


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